Sound and Healthy Future for Our Children

Japan Resources 196

Please click here for our latest English newsletter (pdf): JR 196


From the Editors: New Year, New Challenges

Surprise, Shock and More Worries: Japanese Consumers React to New Zealand Regarding Genetically Modified Foods

Background from GE Free New Zealand

Label All Genetically Modified Foods!

Regarding Japan’s Basic Plan for Food, Agriculture and Rural Areas

PARC Documentary Film: “Amazon DSP Drivers-The Hidden Cost of Free Shipping”

CNIC: Report on Radioactive Cesium Concentrations in Seawater

From the Editors: New Year, New Challenges

Consumers Union of Japan is currently looking for new staff and would like to hire qualified people with an interest in consumer issues. It turns out that it may be easier said than done. We have a long history as an independent NGO and depend on our members and volunteers, as well as the sale of our publications.

We also realise that many young people cannot survive on a small salary, even if the work is attractive.

It is a challenge, but we intend to pass on the baton to the future generation. We hope you will stay tuned to our campaigns and join us as we keep up the good work…

– Editors

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