Sound and Healthy Future for Our Children

Japan Resources 194

Please click here for our latest English newsletter (pdf): JR 194


From the Editors: Join Hands for Positive Change

Update on the Fragrance Pollution Issue in Japan from the Perspective of Those Who Continue to Suffer

Japan’s Neoliberal Seed Rules: Farmers’ Rights Undermined

Let’s Label! Local Initiatives for Mandatory Labels of Genome-Edited Foods

Responses to Our Questions to Supermarkets Regarding the Sale of Genome-edited Tomatoes

Japan’s Consumer Affairs Agency “Will Not Regulate Genome Editing“

From the Editors: Join Hands for Positive Change

Consumers Union of Japan is engaged in many campaigns that have international implications. We always feel the need for more cooperation between non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and local groups that fight for justice and regulations that support consumers’ rights – such as the right to know.

Globalisation can work to our advantage if we join hands for positive change and solidarity.

The purpose of Japan Resources over the years has been to inform others what is going on in Japan. We hope you will stay tuned to our campaigns and join us as we keep up the good work…

– Editors

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