Sound and Healthy Future for Our Children

Protecting Children from Toxic Chemicals

Developmental and other disabilities in children are increasing in Japan, such as ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), LD (learning disorder) and ASD (autistic spectrum disorder). Infertility is also on the increase and it is becoming harder to have children in the first place. These factors may be due to the effects of toxic chemicals such as food additives, pesticides and additives in plastics and other daily products. Of particular concern to us are environmental hormones (endocrine disruptors), which can lead to intergenerational disorders due to their effects on reproductive functions.

At our General Assembly on 22 June 2024, Consumers Union of Japan will hold a lecture on this special theme, ‘Protecting children from toxic chemicals’, based on our starting point of ‘Linking a healthy life to the future’.

22 June 2024 Symposium: “Protecting children from toxic chemicals – What are the environmental hormones/endocrine disruptors that have adverse effects across generations?”

Date & time: 22 June (Sat), 2024, 13:30-16:00 (doors open 13:00)

Venue: Conference Room 402, 4th Floor, Rengo Kaikan (3-2-11 Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
Access: Shin-Ochanomizu Subway Station, Exit B3; JR Ochanomizu Station (5 mins).

Participation fee: ¥1,000 for general public
Capacity: 70 at the venue

13:30-13:35 Opening remarks
13:35 – 14:35 “What are environmental hormones/endocrine disruptors such as additives and pesticides in plastics?” Kimura – Junko Kuroda, Vice-President, Environmental Neuroscience Information Centre
14:35 – 15:05 “How to live to protect children from dangerous chemicals” Satoko Kami, Representative, Parents’ Association for Children’s Environment
15:05 – 15:15 Break
15:15 – 15:55 “What we can and should do now for future generations” Kimura – Junko Kuroda and Satoko Kami (Talk session)
15:55 – 16:00 Closing remarks

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