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Testbiotech: “The first CRISPR tomatoes are now on the shelves in Japan”

According to Testbiotech, the Munich, Germany based NGO:

“…there is no doubt the composition of the tomatoes is changed significantly, in particular, the content in gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) is said to be four to six, in some fruits even twenty times higher, compared to conventionally bred varieties. The French authority ANSES as well as experts at the Austrian Environment Agency, point out that only a few genetic changes were necessary to bring about this drastic change in the NGT tomatoes. Nevertheless, they assume it is very unlikely that these tomatoes could be obtained by conventional breeding methods.”

CRISPR tomatoes now on the shelves

Fruits supposedly improves quality of sleep

5 February 2024 / The first CRISPR tomatoes are now on the shelves in Japan. The ‘GABA tomato’ was developed with new genetic engineering techniques (NGTs). This is shown by photo just recently taken in a supermarket in the Tokyo region. According to the information on the packages, the tomatoes will lower blood pressure, relieve mental stress and improve sleep quality. Experts are doubting that the consumption of the fruits goes along with such effects. At the same time, according to the Japanese functional food register, the consumption of the tomatoes is not recommended for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and small children. Tomatoes like this could soon be available in supermarkets in Europe as well, without detailed risk assessment and labelling.

Link: https://www.testbiotech.org/en/news/crispr-tomatoes-now-shelves

GABA tomatoes sold in Tokyo Supermarket, January 2024
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