Lots of activity here in Japan against the Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant in Aomori Prefecture… 596 organisations and groups, and 2,500 people participated in the parade on Jan. 27, 2008 in central Tokyo. Over 810,000 signatures has been collected and were handed in to the government on Jan. 28, 2008.
Representatives of the protesters, which include fishery associations, consumer cooperatives and surfer groups, handed the petition to the Cabinet Office and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
Seven consumer organisations have joined in this effort:
Consumers Union of Japan
Seikatsu Club Consumer’s Co-operative Union
Daichi-o-Mamoru Kai
Green Consumer’s Co-operative Union
Consumer’s Co-operative Union “Kirari”
Consumer’s Co-operative Miyagi
Pal-system Co-operative Union
Information in Japanese here from Seikatsu Club.